Jet Lag: why does it happen? See 5 tips to ease it!

Suffering from jet lag is almost inevitable on long trips, and sometimes the discomfort can last for some time after landing. It happens because our body is used to the standard time zone, the one we are in every day, and when we change our location in a fast way, like on a plane trip, our body can take time to get used to it again and feel some symptoms.

With that in mind, we have separated more about the subject so that you can stay informed and get around this discomfort and enjoy your trip more. Ah, but attention! You need to be patient and follow these tips to the letter, right? Continue here with Happy Tours and happy reading!

What is Jet Lag and how does it work?

The literal translation of the term is "time zone", but when we talk about Jet Lag, we are referring to the symptoms experienced due to the time difference from the initial destination to the final one. Scientifically speaking, Jet Lag is linked to the term "dyssynchrony," which means the sudden change your body and metabolism are subjected to.

In practice, Jet Lag impacts our body with symptoms such as fatigue and sleepiness, responses that our metabolism gives to the change of this rapidly changing time. Especially, when it is a trip of three or more zone changes.

Generally speaking, the further away you travel, the greater the consequences of jet lag. So it's good to prepare well for your next trip in order to diminish these possible effects.

Are you looking to go on a trip? Check out the main tips for traveling alone and not depend on anyone!

Why does Jet Lag happen?

We can say that Jet Lag happens because our body adapts to the daily life we are in at the moment, this is the basic reason why we sleep at night and stay awake most of the day. This is the basic reason why we sleep at night and stay awake most of the day. The main cycle that suffers from these changes is the circadian rhythm - a term referring to the regulation between day and night.

That is, when we travel by plane, we leave at one time of day, and in a few hours we are already in a totally different region, where it is already night, for example. Thus, our body finds this sudden change of time zone strange, especially because our meals may be totally altered during the trip.

The truth is that jet lag is common for most people who experience this situation, but the effects may vary from body to body. Some people have an easier time adapting than others, having much smaller symptoms or shorter duration of symptoms.

image of a stressed woman with her hand on her head on a plane

What are the symptoms of Jet Lag?

Tiredness and sleepiness during the day are the main symptoms of Jet Lag, but not the only ones. Among the main ones, we cannot fail to mention the following:

  • impaired concentration;
  • headache and body aches;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • mood swings;
  • gastrointestinal adversities;
  • slowness;
  • skin irritations;
  • mild memory loss.

How long does it take for our body to adapt?

As we have already said, the symptoms vary from person to person and each traveler has his or her own particularities about adaptation time.

On the other hand, there is a general time stipulated for adjustment, as shown by NASA, of one day per time zone. . So if you have gone to a destination with a difference of three zones, you will have three days to adjust to jet lag.

Within this time, it is possible that you will suffer from some of the symptoms we have displayed, especially the problems related to tired sleep.

Check out 5 foolproof tips to overcome Jet Lag

Now that you know the main information on the subject of Jet Lag and how it occurs, it is time to learn valuable tips to get through the symptoms in the best possible way. See more:

1. Get organized in advance

You may suffer more from jet lag if you don't organize yourself properly. Short notice planning can cause a lot of stress before and after the trip.

That way, try to pack your bags one or two days before If you don't want to pack, at least separate all the clothes, shoes and products that you will use during all your days away.

Ah, get and keep all your documents in the same place, separate a bag or box to put everything you will need, such as your passport, identification documents, your cards and other items integrated for you!

image of a happy woman organizing a suitcase

In addition, we have separated a guide of everything you can't miss when traveling: check out our international travel check list: to not forget anything!

2. Avoid taking medicine to sleep during the flight

Long flights are attractive for taking a nap, right? To avoid Jet Lag it is very important that you don't sleep deeply, but take short naps . Try to stay active, take a walk to the bathroom whenever possible, and avoid taking sleeping pills.

image of man putting medicine capsule in his hand

3. Correctly follow the destination timetable

It is common for people to stick to the same time in the country they left and live with the time change, just for the convenience of it. However, this only delays the adaptation process even more and will make you feel more tired and suffer from other symptoms.

woman hitting an alarm clock with a hammer

4. Eat a balanced diet

It is also important that your diet is balanced enough to meet your body's needs. Invest in light light, high-protein foods. Your healthy diet should start during the flight and continue until the symptoms of jet lag are overcome. Ah! Don't forget to keep yourself hydrated at all times.

image of person handing tray of food to a woman on a plane

5. Avoid excessive alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic beverages are the greatest villains for those who suffer from jet lag. Besides delaying the adaptation process of the organism, alcohol potentializes even more the effects of the phenomenon. Thus, the best tip is to wait until you are properly adapted to enjoy it the way you think is best.

image of a man with a cup in his hand and looking at a woman

6. Use the first day to get plenty of sleep and rest

You will arrive home from your trip very tired, and the first day needs to be designated for you to catch up on your sleep. Don't plan anything for this day, just rest!

Take the time to organize your things and rest as much as you need to. This way you will be better rested to enjoy your trip. It may seem negative to lose the first day at your new destination sleeping, but this is extremely necessary!

image of a woman resting on a sofa with her arms up

To not let this interfere with the itinerary of your trip, a tip from us is to invest in renting a car to be able to move more quickly between one tour and another, especially if you are with the whole family or in a group!

This way you don't have to worry about the long travel time by bus or train, and you will have more time - both to rest and to enjoy the trip with the different tours in your itinerary!

See also the main tourist destinations in Lisbon for you to enjoy !

You see? As much as it is a very annoying and stressful discomfort, even more so when we want to arrive and leave enjoying everything at our destination, it is essential that we have a little calm and rest, so the effects will soon be reduced and we will be able to enjoy our tours much more, without any symptoms of Jet Lag!

Did you like our tips? Be sure to check out our other blog posts with more tips and news about the travel universe. See you soon!

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