National Tourism Day: 12 best places to travel to

On National Tourism Day, there's nothing better than talking about the best travel destinations to visit in Brazil. Whether it's the most paradisiacal beaches, the most challenging caves and caverns or a cozy country town full of history.

So get ready to plan the best travel itineraries based on the suggestions of the 12 best places in this country full of diverse beauties according to what your adventurous spirit is looking for.

1. Pomerode - SC

Known as the most German city in Brazil, Pomerode in Santa Catarina is a destination that mixes culture, tradition and natural beauty. A large part of the population there speaks German in addition to Portuguese, which makes the place more authentic.

The city stands out for its rich architecture, with houses built in the half-timbered style, which consists of construction without the use of nails, just by fitting the wood together.

There are centuries-old buildings, some listed by IPHAN, the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute, which demonstrate the historical, architectural and cultural richness of the region. Some of these houses have residents, while others are open to visitors.

At Easter time, Pomerodians fill the city with life with the Osterfest, a typical festival in the region with many attractions, art, culture and gastronomy, as well as one of the largest egg trees in Brazil, with each hand-decorated egg displaying great craftsmanship.

2. Gramado - RS

Among the best places to travel is the city of Gramado, located in the Hortênsias region of the Serra Gaúcha. The heart of the city is Avenida Borges de Medeiros and its surroundings. Here you'll find important tourist attractions such as São Pedro Church, Rua Coberta, Rua Torta and Praça das Etnias.

The city also has three theme parks for those who like adventure and excitement! Snowland, Brazil's first snow park, the Aquamotion water park with heated pools and toboggans, and Vila da Mônica, a children's option that guarantees fun for the whole family.

One of Gramado's postcards is Lago Negro (Black Lake). Famous for its paddleboat rides in the shape of kennels and lush vegetation, it has a grassy area where you can picnic, take beautiful photographs or just relax and contemplate nature.

Gramado also has museums such as the Wax Museum, the Hollywood Dream Cars Museum and the Gramado Film Festival Museum, made up of a vast collection of national cinema.

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3. Trancoso - BA

Trancoso is a small village in Bahia, where its vibrant historic center, the Quadrado, has become the vibrant heart of the city with a bohemian and cultural air.

Between the cobbled streets and historic buildings there is a mixture of shops, restaurants, art galleries and colorful houses that tell stories about those who once lived there. At night, the Quadrado is transformed into a spectacle of lights and colors.

Praia dos Coqueiros is one of the most popular beaches, with several beach huts to choose from. From there, you can walk about 15 minutes along the sand to Praia dos Nativos, a famous place where the Trancoso River meets the sea, forming a freshwater lagoon that's great for cooling off.

A little further away is Praia de Itapororoca, known for its large coral reefs. It's an almost deserted beach with no parking or huts. When the tide is low, freshwater pools form that are good for swimming and watching fish.

Don't forget to visit the sea turtles at Praia das Tartarugas. When you arrive, you'll be greeted by colorful cliffs and a long stretch of white sand.

4. Bonito - MS

Bonito is one of the most famous places for ecotourism. Surrounded by trails, waterfalls, floats and mysterious caves, it has a fascinating geological history.

Millions of years ago, this region was an ocean and the organic matter deposited over time turned into limestone. Today, the water comes from the water table and passes through limestone rocks, forming beautiful landscapes and magnesium-rich waters.

The Sucuri River is one of the tourist attractions known for having one of the clearest waters in the world. It is at the source of the river that tourists have the opportunity to float and observe underwater life.

Another unique experience for diving and adventure lovers is the Anhumas Abyss. The journey begins in a narrow crevice and has a descent of 72 meters, which is equivalent to 26 floors of a building.

5. Lençóis Maranhenses - MA

Lençóis Maranhenses is located in the state of Maranhão, in the northeast of Brazil, and is a true national heritage site. Made up of a vast expanse of white dunes interspersed with crystal-clear lagoons, it is a stunning natural paradise that is unique in the world.

With an extensive area of more than 150,000 hectares, the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park was created in 1981 to preserve and protect the area.

The main base options for exploring the Lençóis Maranhenses are Barreirinhas, Santo Amaro and Atins. Barreirinhas is a larger alternative with a variety of accommodation and services. Santo Amaro is more rustic and isolated, but offers direct access to the Park, and Atins is famous for its charming inns and proximity to the sea.

In addition to walks along the dunes and lagoons, the region offers a variety of activities and unique experiences, such as boat trips on the Preguiças River, hikes along the trails or flying over the park from above.

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6. Urubici - SC

Urubici is a travel destination that captures the hearts of visitors with its breathtaking landscapes, irresistible cuisine and exciting adventures. A hidden treasure in the mountains of Santa Catarina.

There are plenty of imposing hills in Urubici that offer breathtaking views. Among the tourist attractions is Morro Campestre, an unmissable place to witness the spectacle of the sunset.

Other must-sees in Urubici are Morro da Igreja and Pedra Furada. Located in an environmental preservation area, prior authorization is required to visit.

The town is also blessed with beautiful waterfalls with crystal-clear waters. One of the most famous is the Véu da Noiva waterfall, which falls approximately 60 meters.

There are other waterfalls, including the Serra do Rio. With its 218 winding curves, which at first may give you a chill, it reveals a beauty that makes up for it and stands out as one of Santa Catarina's most precious treasures.

7. Campeche Island - SC

Campeche Island in Santa Catarina is known as the Caribbean of Santa Catarina and has one of the largest concentrations of archaeological sites in Brazil.

To get to the island from Florianópolis, you can take the boat from Barra da Lagoa, an hour-long trip, but worth it for the scenery and stunning beaches. Or you can leave from Praia do Campeche, which takes 10 to 15 minutes by boat.

The coatis are inhabitants of the island and it is extremely important not to feed them. They are known to steal food and even personal belongings. So be careful with your belongings and respect the local rules.

The island has cave paintings dating back to around 5,000 years BC. To reach these paintings, the island offers trails that make the experience even more unforgettable. There is only one restaurant and one kiosk on site, which don't usually accept cards, so be prepared with cash or Pix.

8. Jalapão - TO

Located in the heart of the Brazilian cerrado, in the state of Tocantins, the Jalapão is a region full of golden dunes, dazzling hot springs, waterfalls and landscapes.

The fervedouros are the real attraction, a veritable oasis of crystalline waters that spring from the ground. The experience of floating through them is indescribable, as well as the possibility of experiencing it all under the moonlight.

Jalapão is also surrounded by canyons. The most famous is the Sussuapara Canyon, with beautiful waterfalls and enchanting scenery, where you can practise adventure sports such as abseiling, climbing and trekking.

Another famous attraction is the Cachoeira da Velha, the largest waterfall in the region with a width of 100 meters and a drop of 15 meters. Due to the strength and intensity of its waters, it is forbidden to bathe.

Some destinations that cannot be left out of the Jalapão State Park itinerary are Cachoeira da Formiga and Prainha do Rio Novo. The Formiga Waterfall is located in the Quilombola community, has turquoise water and is considered a natural hydromassage due to the pressure of the water.

Prainha do Rio Novo is known for having one of the largest rivers supplying drinking water in the world. It's worth studying more about the place and putting it on your next travel itinerary.

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9. Alter do Chão - PA

Located on the banks of the Tapajós River, Alter do Chão is one of the most charming districts in the municipality of Santarém, in the state of Pará. Known as the Brazilian Caribbean, it has earned this reputation for being home to the most beautiful freshwater beach in the world.

The tourist attractions in Alter do Chão are very diverse: you can take a boat trip to the meeting of the waters of the Tapajós River and the Amazon River, go sport fishing and even visit the riverside communities.

One of the most famous beaches is Praia do Amor, named after its romantic atmosphere and lush landscape surrounded by the Amazon rainforest. The beach offers kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding.

Despite being a small district, Alter do Chão offers an adequate infrastructure, with shopping options such as markets and convenience stores, as well as restaurants and bars with delicious meals and experiences.

10. Manaus - AM

Manaus is the gateway to the Brazilian Amazon. Originally a small Indian village, the city grew rapidly at the end of the 19th century, during the rubber boom, becoming one of the largest urban centers in Brazil. This movement left an important legacy in history and architecture.

With the wealth and economic boom generated by the rubber trade and the diversified workforce attracted from various parts of the country, construction of buildings and infrastructure was financed, as well as one of the region's greatest tourist attractions, a symbol of the boom period: the Teatro Amazonas.

Manaus is also on the banks of the Rio Negro and offers privileged access to the Amazon, the world's largest rainforest. An invitation to biodiversity with pink dolphins and colorful birds. For nature lovers, a stroll along the waters of the Rio Negro or a visit to the Anavilhanas National Park are must-sees.

11. Caconde - SP

Caconde is a climate resort, a refuge just 290 km from São Paulo, located in the Serra da Mantiqueira, on the border between Minas Gerais and São Paulo. It is one of the region's most popular resorts for rural and cultural tourism.

The first mandatory stop is the Mirante de Caconde, a free place with a breathtaking panoramic view, with the mountains of Minas Gerais merging with a reservoir lake. The space also has a few amenities, such as a snack table and a café where you can relax while admiring the scenery.

There are countless outdoor leisure options and to connect with the local nature there are waterfalls in the region, such as Cachoeira da Usina Velha and Cachoeira da Santa Quitéria, as well as trails that will provide you with unforgettable views.

12. Chapada dos Veadeiros - GO

Located in the heart of Brazil, Chapada dos Veadeiros is a place surrounded by rich biodiversity and a mystical atmosphere that attracts visitors from all over the world.

With more than eight municipalities and a multitude of trails and waterfalls, there is a variety of options for all tastes and levels of experience. There are three main bases for getting to know Chapada dos Veadeiros: Alto Paraíso, São José and Base Cavalcante.

Some of the waterfalls can be accessed on easy trails, such as the Label and Caracol waterfalls. Cachoeira do Dragão and Cachoeira do Segredo, one of the most incredible waterfalls in the region, have a moderate to difficult level of difficulty. However, the beauty of these waters makes any effort worthwhile!

There is also the famous Valley of the Moon, a unique rock formation that resembles craters, caves and channels produced by the force of water over millions of years. You can cool off in the natural water pools that form while exploring the incredible surroundings.

In addition to the water attractions, you can watch the sunrise from the Mirante da Janela, a spectacular viewpoint inside the National Park.

History of National Tourism Day

National Tourism Day is celebrated every year on May 8, a date made official in 2012 by law 12.625/2012, with the aim of promoting and encouraging a sector that is so important for the country's development - tourism. Brazil is a country full of diverse beauties and by opting for national trips, travelers contribute to culture, the economy, investments and environmental and heritage preservation.

Why invest in national tourism?

Tourism is a huge, clean and sustainable economic force, which according to the Ministry of Tourism employs around 7 million people and moves around 8% of all goods and services produced in our country.

In terms of financial contribution, tourism plays a crucial role in economic development, surpassing other important sectors such as construction, the automotive industry and agricultural production.

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In addition, encouraging national tourism allows regions with less development to benefit, as small towns and rural areas gain prominence with their attractions, generating income and employment.

The increase in tourists brings greater opportunities for people to start new businesses, which contributes positively to the community. What's more, traveling in one's own country is a way of experiencing its history, culture and biodiversity and taking advantage of the many different places to visit in our country. What will your next destination be?

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