When we travel we always have that doubt: where to start and what to do, right? Even if we prepare ourselves we still have that feeling that something is missing and that as soon as we arrive at our destination we will remember something that was left at home.
With this in mind, Happy Tours has separated some tips on how you can organize yourself for your next trip, which documents you should pay attention to, about your destination, luggage, unforeseen events, and much more. To check out more, continue with us and enjoy!
1. Prepare in advance
This is one of the fundamental steps for any trip: advance notice!
Time can be a different factor for everyone, if it is a shorter trip, you don't need to start too long in advance, but if it is a longer trip, planning should be even more precise, since you will need to separate more clothes and different amounts of each product.
So start little by little thinking about the items, documents, clothes, and other things you will need to bring. This is when your checklist starts, so always list the basic items for everyday life, then clothes, accessories and shoes, as well as technology equipment.
2. Check out which documents are required
The documentation part should always be looked at before you even book your international trip, check that they are all with you, that there has not been any loss or even the expiration of them.
So in addition to checking this information, check what documents are required to enter the country. In many countries these are the documents required:
identification document;
proof of vaccines;
bank statement;
driver's license;
return flight tickets;
travel insurance;
hotel reservations.
Not that the destination you are about to go to will ask for all this documentation, but most of it does! So be aware and put a day on your checklist to organize it.
3. Know your destination very well
Planning is not just about documents and packing, - it's about the destination, too!
You already know that you want to visit that place, but take some time and study more about the sights, what to do, where to eat and where to stay.
In addition to checking how the safety of the city is, the health system, about the inhabitants, customs and beliefs of the people, after all, in many places making certain gestures or talking about something, may not be very well seen and may cause misunderstandings.
By the way, if you want to check out destination tips, be sure to check out our travel blogposts!
4. Be prepared for possible unforeseen events
We don't want this to happen, but it is necessary to speak up, - be prepared for possible unforeseen events! They happen when we least expect them, so we must always be prepared to deal with them. In this sense, be aware of some details such as:
have your documents on digital media, they can help you if you lose your wallet;
take out travel insurance in case of an accident; some countries have a very expensive healthcare system! And here the tip to know the health system of the city fits very well, after all, we are never sure of anything;
Be prepared for changes in the weather;
Don't rule out having to change hotels, you may get there and not quite make it or there may be some unforeseen problem with your check-in.
5. Pack your bags and pay attention to details
Remember how you were starting to list things to bring on your trip? It's not everything you can pack in your suitcase, after all, it is checked before you get on the flight. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of what you can and cannot take on your trip, since we don't want to be barred!
Thus, you cannot take items such as:
sharp or pointed objects;
work tools;
explosive or flammable substances;
chemical substances.
Among other items cited by ANAC, access and check more on the site.
Also, if you want more tips: be sure to check our post on what to pack for an international trip: a guide to travel, - and check out many more tips on what to pack and how to organize your suitcase.
And if you are going to travel to the cold weather, check out what snow clothes and what you can't miss in your travel bag!
6. Use technology to your advantage
If you like practicality and technology, there are apps that help you with a more assertive planning for traveling, with checklists that you mark as you solve the situation, giving tips and putting dates for each activity!
These are a few steps that will make your planning more precise and organized, so that when the day of the trip comes everything will be ready.
We hope you enjoyed this content and to check out more travel tips, - keep following Happy Tours blog. Until next time!