Traveling with a pet in a rental car: is it allowed or not?

Rental Car: What About My Pussy Child?

Traveling with your pet child requires a series of precautions: an appropriate and safe place for him to stay, stops for hygiene and up-to-date vaccination card. But what about when you don't have your own car?

In this case it depends a lot! Some rental companies allow you to take your four-legged child with you, others do not.

It is important to check the car rental companies' pet transport policies, choose an appropriate container for the animal, provide adequate food and water, maintain the proper temperature, and follow the laws and regulations related to transporting animals.

Understand more in the sequel!

Is it possible to travel with a pet in a rental car?

This depends very much on the service provider. Some companies have no objections, but others do not allow pets. This prohibition is usually due to the care that the rental companies take with their fleets with regard to hygiene and cleanliness.

If the rental company has no problem accepting pets, it is very important to be aware of the pet's needs during the trip so that you do not have unpleasant surprises during the trip and unexpected costs later. The responsibility for pets will always remain with their owners.

What care should I take with my pet in the rental car?

  • Never leave your puppy loose in the vehicle! Many animals love the feeling of the wind on their face or get agitated when they are away from their owner, but for safety keep your pet restrained!

  • Never leave your pet tied up only by a collar. In any emergency he can be hanged by the accessory;

  • Opt for breast guides, they are more comfortable and safer;

  • Schedule stops. Pets are like children and need to satisfy their physiological needs more often. If the trip is going to be a long one, consider stopping at least every two hours.

dog in a car on a leash

Do I need documentation to travel with a pet?

For domestic travel, it is necessary to have the pet's vaccination card and a health certificate, which can be issued by any veterinarian.

If your pet is adventurous and travels frequently, you can opt for a passport for the transit of dogs and cats, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture - it is also accepted for international travel (in countries that accept the document). The passport is not mandatory, but it is very useful, as it speeds up the bureaucratic processes and is valid for the animal's entire life.

See also: How to travel with pets.

How to drive safely with pets in the car?

The first step to safe driving with a pet on board is to get your pet well accommodated. If he is not so accustomed, it is interesting to have a period of adaptation in the week of the trip. With short walks, he will get used to the balance and the environment.

woman sitting in the car seat driving and petting the dog next to her

The carrier is the most suitable item, especially for kittens that are more withdrawn and do not like "rides" very much. If you prefer a little more freedom for your kitten, pet car seats offer similar security as the carrier and will make him more at ease.

Now, if your companion is one of the big ones, there are seat belts and safety rails that prevent the animal from interacting with the driver.

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How to transport exotic pets?

Transporting exotic pets, such as reptiles, birds and other unconventional animals, can be a challenge. It is important to follow all applicable laws and regulations regarding the transport of exotic animals, including those related to animal health and welfare, safety, and environmental protection. Here are some tips to help you transport exotic pets:

  1. Check the laws and regulations;

  2. Choose a transport box suitable for the species;

  3. Feed the animal before the trip;

  4. Maintain the proper temperature.

BONUS: Don't forget to take it!

We have put together a short list with precious items for you not to experience any unpleasantness on the ride with your best friend. So, don't forget:

  • Food and water containers;

  • Toys;

  • Scrabble;

  • Walk;

  • Snacks, water, and feed;

  • Collar with identification.

person holding a pot for the dog to drink water

With these super tips, your trip will be much happier in the company of your faithful one. Traveling with your pet in a rental car can be pretty cool, whether for a long trip or a weekend. But, before hitting the road, we have to think about a few things to ensure the pet's safety and comfort.

So, to remind you, it is worth checking the car rental company's rules about transporting animals, choosing a suitable crate, taking food and water, keeping the temperature right, and following the laws is important. It is also important to keep an eye on safety during the trip and make the animal feel good at all times.

By following these tips and preparing properly, you can travel with your pet smoothly and comfortably in a rental car. Then put your feet and paws on the road!

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